
We have a solution for everything – and more importantly: they can all be connected through our unique Körber Ecosystem. In our current seven areas of expertise, we are at your disposal with our comprehensive know-how.

All Solutions

Software solutions

Software solutions

With our PAS-X MES - on premise or cloud-based - and our software solutions for analysis, track & trace, networked factories, and intelligent packaging, we are the world's leading supplier and partner to the pharmaceutical and biotech industries. With our holistic understanding and use of digitalization, you remain future-proof and combine digital innovation with sustainability.

Overview Software solutions

Handling systems

Handling systems

Looking for perfectly designed production lines that reduce operational complexity, can adapt quickly to changes in the pharmaceutical industry and work seamlessly with your software and machinery? We are specialists for complete handling systems for pharmaceutical and medical products. Our solutions are decisive in the field of contactless and safe transport of e.g. glass syringes.

Overview Handling systems

Inspection machines


As the world's leading inspection expert, we develop solutions for the pharmaceutical and biotech industries. Our range of products extends from AI-supported, high-performance machines and semi-automatic machines to laboratory units and inspection applications for in-process control. As thought leaders in the field, we always make sure that machines and software speak the same language.

Overview Inspection

Machine finder

Packaging machines

Packaging machines

We are a leading supplier of packaging machines for liquid and solid pharmaceutical and medical products. With our blister, sachet and stick packaging machines we offer solutions for primary packaging. Our side and topload cartoners set standards worldwide for secondary packaging. Our ecosystem approach ensures that all machines, software, and other components operate harmoniously and perform at the highest level.

Overview Packaging machines

K.Pak Topload Case Packer

Introducing our latest solution from Körber; the K.Pak Topload Case Packer! Created specifically for the pharmaceutical industry, the K.Pak solution provides operator-friendly machines to complete any production line. Our solution focuses on innovative technology, high-quality design and expert handling and packaging of your product. It’s time to start connecting the dots with Körber!

Packaging solutions

Packaging solutions

As long-standing specialists, we develop packaging solutions for innovative and high-quality secondary pharmaceutical packaging made of cardboard. We offer you solutions for counterfeit protection, standard folding boxes and much more.

Overview Packaging solutions



Our experts will advise you during the analysis of your requirements, show you optimization potential and support you during the implementation of projects in all areas of the pharmaceutical, biotech and medical device industry. Our aim is to achieve holistic optimization for your factory of excellence.

Overview Consulting



You need help with a specific product or have questions about one of our areas of expertise? Körber is your forward-looking navigator to excellence. We provide data-led, proactive advice and services to improve what is needed to scale and evolve towards your factory of excellence.

All Services

Packaging machines

Blister lines for medical products: flexible and efficient

When it comes to individually developed, future-proof and versatile blister lines for medical products, Körber is the right partner for you. With our packaging solutions, we support you at all times in meeting the constantly changing requirements of a demanding industry. This also applies to newly added formats or products. Designed for nearly one hundred percent technical runtime and efficiency, we offer you flexible solutions that allow you to respond to changes immediately.

lThe modular approach is groundbreaking for our customers and for us as a manufacturer.r

Ulf Leineke Head of Research & Development at the Körber Business Area Pharma

Open clamping packs or sealed packs

The generalist for large cavities and special customer requirements. Solutions for open clamping packs is also the basic specialty of this flexible blister machine. On request, our tooling specialists will work out the blister design together with you

Highly versatile – product packing

Most versatile machine for deep draw applications such as parenteral products or medical devices. With an extremely wide format range, we are flexible for any application. Whether it’s an individual feeding system or a standard transfer: Gentle handling of sensitive products is always first priority

Best process stability

An additional draw off unit at the forming station results in the elimination of shrink effects. This provides 100% shrinkage control for maximum process stability. Even when restarting after a longer machine stop, the BE starts with a constant index

Flexible solutions with a forming depth up to 40 mm for your medical devices

Here at Körber we have developed the Blister Expert (BE) so that you, as a pharmaceutical manufacturer, can deliver top quality in ever shorter production times. Thanks to its modular design, it covers a wide range of formats and can be quickly converted and cleaned. In short, a machine that adapts and meets all requirements.

Technical details

Format dimensions (LxWxD* in mm)
Output (Boxes/min)
Operating mode
BE3 Flex
up to 300
1-6 lane(s)
up to 300
1-6 lane(s)
Matches perfectly with blister cartoner
*Forming depth

Datasheet: BE3

Versatile & Future proof: Packaging for Medical Products.


Datasheet: BE3/BE5

Powerful & Intuitive: High speed blistering for parenteral products and medical devices


Your benefits

Best process stability

An additional draw off unit at the forming station results in the elimination of shrink effects. This provides 100% shrinkage control for maximum process stability. Even when restarting after a longer machine stop, the BE starts with a constant index

Highly versatile – product packing

Most versatile machine for deep draw applications such as parenteral products or medical devices. With an extremely wide format range, we are flexible for any application. Whether it’s an individual feeding system or a standard transfer: Gentle handling of sensitive products is always first priority

Open clamping packs or sealed packs

The generalist for large cavities and special customer requirements. Solutions for open clamping packs is also the basic specialty of this flexible blister machine. On request, our tooling specialists will work out the blister design together with you


Small machine, compact tools


High performance, easy operation, economical maintenance


Free choice of formats and foils, wide range of product feeders available, manual feeding possible

Variety in the smallest of spaces

At three meters long, the CP2 is a compact blister machine in a center-table design with minimal space requirements. The product is fed into the machine automatically or as needed from both sides manually. For decades, this machine has proven itself in packaging very small batches as well as special applications and clinical test samples.

Technical details

Format dimensions (LxWxD* in mm)
Output (blisters/min)**
Operating mode
1-3 lane(s)
1-3 lane(s)
*Forming depth
**Depending on the format and the product

Your benefits


Free choice of formats and foils, wide range of product feeders available, manual feeding possible


High performance, easy operation, economical maintenance


Small machine, compact tools


Packaging solutions for medical products, ampules, vials, and syringes


Servo-motor driven foil draw-off, robust pillar-guided stations


Extremely wide variety of design options, large format range

Universally usable high-performance machine

The CP3 is a very robust blister machine with a table-type design. Its six-meter length enables workstations for punching and perforation as well as all familiar infeed and monitoring equipment to be assembled in any combination. The machine is equipped with platen sealing as standard, which allows the processing of a wide variety of foils.

Technical details

Format dimensions (LxWxD* in mm)
Output (blisters/min)**
Operating mode
Up to 300
1-6 lane(s)
Up to 300
1-6 lane(s)
*Forming depth
**Depending on the format and the product

Your benefits


Extremely wide variety of design options, large format range


Servo-motor driven foil draw-off, robust pillar-guided stations


Packaging solutions for medical products, ampules, vials, and syringes


Anpassungen und/oder kundenspezifische Einstellungen an zukünftige Anforderungen, zum Beispiel Formatänderungen oder Verpackungsmaterialien


Servoangetriebene Bauweise und Werkzeuge für Hochgeschwindigkeitsproduktion, minimale Umrüstzeiten


Genaue Positionierung sowie Geräusch- und Vibrationsminimierung, volle Qualitätskontrolle über den gesamten Verpackungsprozess 

Tailored to the needs of your business

With its horizontal form, fill and seal technology , Körber presents a packaging machine that is designed for quick changeover of flexible and rigid blisters and can be individually adapted to future format changes, re-tools and web width changes. In addition, our Thermoformer machines can be rapidly and easily retrofitted for new processes. Fully automated loading and packaging systems integrate seamlessly for an instant upgrade.

Any questions?

Get in contact with us. We are happy to advise you about our solutions and services.

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